Friday 13 November 2009

Comparing Advertising

Bridget Jones Diary-

This film opened with lots of synergy marketing deals, with companys such as The Body Shop,, Virgin Megastore and Atlantic. The money that came from this totalled roughly at $10 million.
Virgin Ailines promoted the film with emails sent to its flying club members. Lifetime TV ran 30 second clips to promote as well. This synergy marketing as well.

The Boat That Rocked-

This film was first released with just some bright and colourful posters for advertising. They then released a trailer.
Something else they did was go on a website called spotify, and created some playlists based on the DJ's in the film.

James Bond-

In this film, an example of advertising in the form of product placement, this being the fact that james Bond uses Aston Martins in all the films, and has Rolex watches. In one of the more recent films, he drove the new Ford Mondeo, which boosted the sales for that car dramatically.
Also an example of synergy marketing is when they released The Quantum of Solace, the film makers teamed up with Avon (beauty treatment company), to promote a product for women based on the film.

Because James Bond is such a well known and established film series, and has a massive following, companys and sponsers are more desperate to get their products in the films, and will pay massive amounts of money to do so. That way, more people will see their products, and alongside James Bond it would receive quite a cool image. If they were to place their products in an unknown, brand new film, less people will know of it, and it won't have the same effect as putting the products alongside James Bond.

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