Monday 4 January 2010

Film Opening Analysis 2/2


- Red titles, relate to theme of blood and vampires.
- Hospital set, date shown on screen as 1967.
- Woman with neck injury, and has gone into labour.
- Neck injury= vampire attack?
- Rapid editing shows the urgency of the situation, trying to save the woman and her baby.
- White background/ costumes, shows its a hospital setting. Could be linked the to death and heaven.
- Baby could be character later in the film?
- More red titles, names of well known actors to make you watch it.
- Shots of sped up city life shown, represents and shows the passing of time between the hospital scene and the next scene of a woman and man in a car.
- Shows the day rapidly being covered up with darkness. Could foreshadow vampires going in strength and numbers/ evil winning over good?
- Very faint background music and noise in the hospital scene. Shows the woman is dying, and can't focus on her surroundings.
- Hear a heart monitor stop beeping and just go flat to show woman has died.
- Opening shot, running down corridor, like heading towards light at the end of the tunnel. Hints at death.
- In the "now" bit, woman with red hair, signals blood, could be a vampire?
- She is driving a car, not the guy. Shows she is dominant over him. He could be a victim in waiting?

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