Saturday 16 January 2010

Feedback From Film Pitch

On friday, me and Catherine presented our film pitch to the class, and everyone filled in a feedback sheet about what they thought of the idea, any potential problems they thought we might have, and suggestions they had to improve our idea.

Here is each sections feedback-

Genre- Generally, people put down that they believed our film fits the genres of supernatural, thriller and action. This is good, because these are what we were aiming to get across in our pitch. No one said horror, which is also good because we didn't want to get into that area with our film, because we believe it would restrict our target audience too much.

Target audience- People just wrote down on this bit what we said in our pitch, that our target audience is 14 years+. One person wrote down that we should try and make our film appeal to a younger audience, so it has more appeal. We also need to further consider where our target audience ends, in terms of maximum age.

Texts The Film Reminded People Of- This Is England, Heroes, Superman, Spiderman, Twilight, Grudge

Things People Like About It- We received positive feedback, mainly about a well planned out storyline. We were recommended to think about the ending of the film, as if we were doing the whole thing, which we have already covered, just didn't feel the need to cover in our pitch.

Advice- Most of the advice we were given focused on making sure we could portray our character as superntural as clearly as we could. Suggestions for this where things such as focusing on what costume we used, and the make up we used. Another suggestion was to use older actors, but we don't think we can, because we don't know anyone who will do it. By using teenage actors, it maye even bring our target audience down in age, as previously mentioned. Finally, we were told to think about camera angles, editing and special effects.

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